검색 결과 - Framework

ADO.NET Entity Framework 4.1.10715.0

ADO.NET Entity Framework 4.1.10715.0 무료 11072 

엔터티 프레임 워크 4.0 베타 1 (.NET Framework 4.0 베타 1에 포함)를 기반으로 구축 되는 기능 설정

ASP.NET Maker 11.0.0

ASP.NET Maker 11.0.0 평가판 버전 10627 

ASP.NET 메이커는 Microsoft Access, SQL 서버, MySQL, PostgresSQL, 오라클 또는 다른 ODBC 데이터 원본에서 전체 집합이 ASP.NET 웹 페이지 (VB…

Browser Addon Framework

Browser Addon Framework 평가판 버전 14685 

브라우저 추가 기능 프레임 워크는 개발자가 브라우저 추가 기능을 만들 수 있는 프레임 워크: 인터넷 익스플로러, 파이어 폭스, 크롬, 사파리,…

Marco Biométrico de Windows

Marco Biométrico de Windows 무료 3871 

Marco Biomtrico de Windows supports a fingerprint capture device through a new set of components and provides a common management…

WBF Driver

WBF Driver 무료 4403 

WBF comprises of a set of services and interfaces which support the consistent development and management of biometric devices such…

PyMal 1.0

PyMal 1.0 무료 3270 

PyMal is a python based interactive Malware Analysis Framework

Touch N Go 1.0.61228.0

Touch N Go 1.0.61228.0  3694 

Touch N Go is a Biometric Framework (SDK or API) that allows programmers to integrate fingerprint recognition in their application…

Metasploit Framework 5.0.87

Metasploit Framework 5.0.87  4686 

Metasploit Framework not only offers you the possibility to simulate penetration tests that will help you asses your network’s vulnerabilities,…

Cyber Control 2.1

Cyber Control 2.1  3351 

Take control of your cyber risk with Datplan's cyber control software Allowing companies to implement a robust cyber risk management…

LAME DirectShow Filter 3.99.5

LAME DirectShow Filter 3.99.5 무료 3420 

DirectShow is a much more advanced multimedia framework that allows several filters to be chained. In that fashion, one can…

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