검색 결과 - ntro

Devil-Loc Deluxe 5.3.2

Devil-Loc Deluxe 5.3.2  3879 

To take things beyond the hardware that inspired it and give you even more creative flexibility, we’ve created a deluxe…

Decapitator 5.3.2

Decapitator 5.3.2  3719 

Decapitator is an Analog Saturation Modeler. It has long been the magic mojo that engineers have used as their swiss…

Tremolator 5.3.2

Tremolator 5.3.2  3950 

Need tremolo? We’ve got you covered. Tremolator emulates the tremolo effect of classic hardware like the old Fender Vibrolux guitar…

Little AlterBoy 5.3.2

Little AlterBoy 5.3.2  18405 

Little AlterBoy is Soundtoys’ exciting new tool for dramatic voice alteration. Get a huge range of vocal transformations from one…

Talkover 7.10

Talkover 7.10 무료 3296 

Microphone crossfader helps to at moderation using talkover effect between music and moderation. It fades microfon up and music down…

SynthFont1 1.743

SynthFont1 1.743 무료 3373 

SyntFont1 comes with its own Pianoroll. In the homonymous tab, you find the necessary functions to visually build up an…

CueluxPro 1.4.54

CueluxPro 1.4.54 무료 4194 

CueluxPro is equipped with pixel mapper to control LED matrix arrangements. CueluxPro works in combination with the CueCore and IoCore…

inValve 2.1.0

inValve 2.1.0  3342 

The inValve product line replaces our popular VL2 plug-in and adds several new models of the TL Audio hardware processors.…

inValve x64 2.1.0

inValve x64 2.1.0  3413 

The inValve x64 product line replaces our popular VL2 plug-in and adds several new models of the TL Audio hardware…

RADIO Logger Pro

RADIO Logger Pro  4238 

Program for external (Line-In, Microphone etc.) audio signal storage in PCM Wave (*.wav) or Mpeg Layer 3 (*.mp3) formats. Has…

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